Sunday, 4 December 2022, 11:30

București, România

Evenimentul s-a încheiat.

Crezi ca poti sa fii spion in probabil cel mai mare joc real din Romania?
"Feels like AMAZING RACE meets ORIENT EXPRESS in a SPY MISSION..." - Sherlock

* probabil cel mai mare real life game din România - o misiune de spionaj ce include trenuri reale în mișcare (biletele de tren sunt incluse)
* peste 4,5 ore de aventura, care încep și se termina în Bucuresti
* un mix artizanal de escape rooms, treasure hunt, urban challenges si murder mystery, inclusiv actori live, site-uri criptate, mesaje codate etc. intr-o imbinare de online si offline

plata online 100% secure, in avans - bilete de tren incluse!

Pret: 199 lei per persoana
OFERTA: 3+1 Gratis - echipa de 4 persoane, doar 597 lei 
Pret familie: 2 adulti + 1 sau 2 copii (10-17 ani) - 449 lei per familie

PS. Info suplimentare:
* O echipa este formata din 4 – 8 persoane, iar echipele de 1-3 participanti vor fi alaturati altor echipe;
* Persoanele sub 18 ani vor fi in echipa cu minim un adult
* Inscrierile se incheie cu o zi inainte de fiecare eveniment
* Pentru intrebari suplimentare sunati in centrala la 0720901496 si cereti cu agentul Smith;

Do you think you can be a spy in probably the biggest real game in Romania?

"Feel like AMAZING RACE meets ORIENT EXPRESS in a SPY MISSION ..." - Sherlock

* Probably the biggest real life game in Romania - a spy mission involving a real train in motion (train tickets are included)
* over 4.5 hours of adventure, beginning and ending in Bucuresti
* a hand-crafted mix of real life escape rooms, amazing races, treasure hunt, urban challenges and live shows
* a hancrafted mix of escape escape rooms, treasure hunt, urban challenges & murder mystery, including actors live, encrypted sites, messages, codes etc. in a mix of online si offline

100% secure online payment, in advance - train tickets included!

Price: 199 lei per person
SPECIAL OFFER: 3+1 free - team of 4 people pay only 597 lei
Family price: 2 adults + 1 or 2 kids (10-17 y.o.) - 449 lei per family

PS. Additional Info:
* A team is made up of 4-8 people and teams of 1-3 participants will be joined by other teams;
* Persons under 18 will be teamed with at least one adult
* Registration ends 2 days before each event
* For further questions call the office at 0720901496 and ask with agent Smith

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Tren in miscare

, București, România

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Quest Mission
